この度KOSSは、ニューカッスル大学社会学教授のアリソン・フィップス氏をお招きし、講演会「Me, Not You―西洋主流フェミニズムにおける問題」を開催いたします。一般公開イベントですので、学外の方もご参加いただけます。参加を希望される方は、下記のURLから事前にウェビナー登録をお願いいたします。
アリソン・フィップス氏の著書『Me, Not You』は、イギリス、アメリカをはじめとする西欧諸国の主流フェミニズム運動に対して挑戦的な批判を投げかけている。本書は#MeTooが「me, not you(お前ではなく私のことだ)」になりうると論じる。すなわち、ブルジョワ白人女性のことだけに専心して処罰を望む運動となりうるのであり、その処罰への欲望が、より周縁化された人々を抑圧する体制を正当化するのである。このようなフェミニズムは反動的なものにもなりうる──性産業やトランスジェンダーの包摂に反対する場合においてそうであり、そうした反対運動は、再興する極右との連携を通じてリソースをため込み境界を取り締まっているのだ。
開催場所: ZOOM 日英同時音声通訳あり/日本語文字通訳あり
葛原千景 戸谷知尋 山田秀頌

A public lecture by Professor Alison Phipps
'Me, Not You: the trouble with mainstream Western feminism’
Lecture Summary
What violence can we do, in the name of fighting sexual violence? Alison Phipps’ book Me, Not You presents a challenging critique of mainstream feminist campaigns in the UK, US and other Western countries. It argues that #MeToo can become ‘me, not you’: an exclusive focus on bourgeois white women, and a desire for punishment that legitimates systems oppressive to more marginalised people. Such feminism can also become reactionary, in campaigns against the sex industry and transgender inclusion that hoard resources and police borders in synergy with the resurgent far right. Grounded in Black feminist thought, Phipps’ analysis ends with a call for ‘abolition feminism’ and a set of principles to help fellow white feminists become more transformative in their politics.
Alison Phipps is professor of sociology at Newcastle University in the UK. She is a political sociologist and scholar of gender with interests in feminist theory and politics, the body and violence and neoliberal racial capitalism. She has pursued her interests in various areas including sexual violence, sex work, reproduction, and institutional cultures. She has been an activist in the movement against sexual violence for over fifteen years.
March 19, 2022
7:30 -9:30 PM JST
In English (with simultaneous interpretation and live transcription in Japanese)
There will be a pre-event about the structural divisions of sex workers and transgender by graduate students from 4:30PM (JST). Please check out another poster for more information!
Accessibility Information
Simultaneous interpretation and live transcription will be available in Japanese.
Planned & Managed by
Chihiro, TOYA. Chikage, KUZUHARA. Hidenobu, YAMADA.
Organized by Komaba Campus Safer Space: KOSS