この度KOSSは、アリソン・フィップス氏講演会 「Me, Not You―西洋主流フェミニズムにおける問題」の学術プレイベントとして、「制度的分断に抗して──トランスジェンダーと医療・セックスワーカーと法」 を開催いたします。一般公開イベントですので、学外の方もご参加いただけます。参加を希望される方は、下記のリンクから事前登録をお願いいたします。
葛原千景 戸谷知尋 山田秀頌
日時:2022年3月19日(土)PM 4:30-
会場: ZOOM

Moving beyond the structural divisions between sex workers and transgender people: Rethinking the legal and medical systems
Planned & Managed by
Chihiro, TOYA. Chikage, KUZUHARA. HIdenobu, YAMADA.
Date:March 19th, 2022 PM4:30- (JST)
Location: Online webinar
Language : In Japanese (with live English transcription)
Shifts from trans healthcare to affirmative cares for the body and gender.
Healthcare services and medical body modifications for transgender and gender-nonconforming identities have continued to be restricted by authoritative legal and medical regulations. Through culture and institutionalized norms, healthcare professionals categorize bodies, denying access to those they deem as either legitimate or inappropriate. Using examples from the US and the UK, this presentation argues the need to shift from a top-down medical system that dictates one’s right to bodily interventions transition into one that reaffirms the gender and bodies autonomy of all identities.
Chihiro, TOYA
The Divisions of Sex Workers: What does the law aim to protect?
Abstract: This presentation explores both the legal ramifications of the current regulations aimed at “protecting” sex workers and its surrounding discourses that have deepened the discrimination and violence experienced by certain workers in the sex industry. The legalisation of sex work divides the labour pool between those who can and cannot obtain a sex work license, further ostracising and endangering unlicensed workers. To solely criminalise its consumption perpetuates rhetoric that all sex workers are victims of sexual violence and that sex workers aiming to decriminalise sex work are simply 'privileged’. A comparative analysis of case studies from both Japan and Western countries demonstrates the need to rethink the current system that claims to protect the safety of all sex workers.
Planned & Managed by
Chihiro, TOYA. Chikage, KUZUHARA. Hidenobu, YAMADA.
Organized by Komaba Campus Safer Space: KOSS